Turnfurlong Junior School

British Values

Each half term, we use our main school values of Respect, Resilience, Creativity, Self-Belief, Ambition and Motivation to guide assemblies and class discussion.  This enables both children and staff to explore and reflect as individuals and as a whole school. Our values are also embedded throughout all areas of our curriculum teaching which can be observed in the classroom and evidenced through our displays.   Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is 'right' and 'wrong', all people in England are subject to it's law.  The key values are democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.  Ways in which we explore, promote and celebrate the British Values are detailed below.

  • House Captains and School councillors are elected by their peers following a democratic process; children are asked to put themselves forward as candidates by preparing a speech on why they should be elected by their peers before a blind vote is conducted
  • Eco-Councillors are elected by their peers following a democratic process
  • ​The School Parliament has been established which works using a democratic system when discussing and deciding on issues. Each section of the School Parliament needs to feed their decisions back to the school council.

Rule of Law
  • Class Rights and Responsibilities are made at the beginning of each school year
  • A Home / School agreement is signed by parents and pupils when a pupil first begins school 
  • All children are aware of our behaviour expectations which are continually shared and revisited in lessons, PSHCE, assemblies and throughout discussions with children when expectations are not met. 
  • A reflection sheet is completed with each pupil when a behaviour expectation has not been met.  Restorative practice may also take place
  • Behaviour plans are used for individual pupils who demonstrate persistent negative behaviours to identify specific target areas, that once monitored and  improved, will help to make a positive difference to their behaviour
  • Curriculum teaching in History, RE, and PSHCE
  • Encouragement of turn taking during discussions 
  • School links with the local community including police and local magistrates 

Individual Liberty
  • Everyone is given their chance to speak and feels as though they have been listened to and valued for what they have to say
  • ​Members of the school parliament act as spokespeople after seeking views
  • P4C sessions involve the freedom of speech, thought, idea and enquiry
  • Enterprise work is being developed across the school

Mutual Respect
  • One of our school values re-visited throughout the school year in a variety of ways such as assemblies, PSHCE and curriculum teaching
  • Teaching and encouraging key communication skills
  • Encouragement of turn taking during discussions 
  • Daily pastoral care of children’s needs
  • All adults continually modelling respect in their daily interactions with children and adults
  • Engagement within competitive sport both inside and outside of school - showing respect to competitors

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
  • Whole school ethos of how everyone is different but all working towards a shared goal
  • Faiths and beliefs studied and celebrated through assemblies and cultural days alongside the RE curriculum
  • Children and parents encouraged to share their faith and beliefs with the whole school
  • Encouraging tolerant behaviours such as the sharing and respecting of the opinions of others
  • Links with outside faith leaders
  • Visits to local places of worship
  • African drumming
  • Resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping

Being British
  • History teaching including: timelines, significant events and people that have shaped how we live today
  • Geography teaching looking at the physical and human features of the United Kingdom
  • Assemblies that explore global issues linked to the United Kingdom and related discussions of similarities and differences between our experiences, values and behaviours in relation to those of other people living in other countries.
  • Celebration of Saint days (England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland), Faith festivals (special importance given to Easter, Christmas and Harvest. British cultural traditions e.g. Bonfire Night. Remembrance Day).

Turnfurlong Lane, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7PL

01296 489264
