The Year 3 Team 2023-24
Mr Charman - Team Leader
3T - Mr Charman
3J - Miss Griffin
3S - Miss Stuart
Year Group Support - Mrs Raven
Teaching Assistants - Miss Ashburner, Mrs Van de Wouw, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Tegally, Mrs Wilce
Core Information and Documents for Year 3
Key Learning Objectives for Maths across Year 3
Reading and Writing Key objectives - National Curriculum
What is my child learning in each subject? Building Knowledge and Skills Organisers Overview - Year 3
DT | Geog | History | PE |
PSHE (coming soon) |
Science |
Computing (coming soon) |
Autumn Term
There is a strong focus in the Autumn term to ensure that all the children are settled into their new surroundings. Transition work will have taken place at the end of the Summer term to ensure that they are familiar with their teachers and some of the routines. Extra transition is in place for some children where it is felt needed.
We want to develop early strong links with parents and hold a new Year 3 parent meeting both at the end of the summer term before your child starts and one early in the Autumn term. We have an open door policy and ask parents to contact the classteacher or Year Leader if they have any questions.
Please find below details of the curriculum and key documents for the each term. If you would like to see more detail about each subject, please click on the detailed curriculum links underneath.
Further information for parents - Autumn
Spring Term
Further information for parents - Spring
Summer Term
Further information for parents - Summer